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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
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Celebrating 25 Years in Business!

Back To School

Our Seniors are Embarking on an Exciting Year They Will Never Forget

When the summer winds down and the sun doesn’t stay out as late as it used to, another rite of the year sneaks up on us. Each fall, our children return to school for another year of friends, learning, and growing. But some years are different than others – and no other year is quite like senior year.

Every school term begins with potential and promise, but the last year of high school starts with so much more. It’s the last time some of our children will be at home for school, and it’s the last time some of our children will stay children. Senior year winds down one exciting journey and begins another: adulthood. We’ve all been there and know well the transformation over those last months of school is profound.

It’s why we want to capture those moments with our seniors and remember the final step toward a new journey that could take them anywhere. We love photographing those seniors as a way to capture an exciting year at the beginning, only to look back at the end to see how far they’ve come. We hope you all get a chance to book your senior portraits soon! The weather is gorgeous and bright, but not nearly as bright as the possibilities that lay ahead for your student! Book your session soon!

Learn more about our portraits or contact us!