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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
Phone: +387123456789

Celebrating 25 Years in Business!

A Lovely Lionscrest Wedding

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of shooting this sweet couple’s wedding at Lionscrest Manor. We know that 2020 has presented many challenges for many couples that had planned to get married this year, but we also know that many couples accepted the challenge and made changes to ensure their wedding still happened. Lionscrest Manor has always been a favorite of ours, and this year has reaffirmed that with how they continue to go above and beyond for couples at their venue.
We are always honored to be able to shoot at this venue, as well as continuing to do what we love with amazing couples like this one. We look forward to all the weddings we get to shoot at this location next year, and also to when a sense of normalcy will come back to large gatherings!
We hope you all continue to stay safe, healthy, and positive during these trying times.
Love, joy and health, Garrett & Kellie